Ashton is Beauty Revived (Central Utah Richfield teen girl photography)

I had the amazing opportunity again this year to be involved in the Beauty Revived 50 most beautiful children campaign. I had the opportunity to meet an amazing girl named Ashton. She is currently in the process of starting a HOPE squad at her high school to help children who have suffered with depression. Read all of her story below. Thank you again Ashton for letting me be a small part of your journey! 🙂


Ashton is a 16 year old girl who has suffered from depression and anxiety since she was 11 years old. Ashtons family has been through many many hard things. The depression first started when her older brother, Jayden, was in a motorcycle accident while their parents were in mexico. He was riding a motorcycle when he overshot a jump. He broke both legs, his left arm, three ribs and punctured his left lung. He was in the hospital for several weeks.When he was able to come home Ashton felt overwhelmed and like she had to grow up too fast. The following January Ashton was diagnosed with RSD/CRPS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.) This is a nerve disease that causes immense pain in the affected limbs, the pain is different for everyone with this disease. For Ashton the pain was like someone was stabbing her with hot knives repeatedly. This occurred in both of her arms elbows down, her right foot and her left knee.different There is no treatment for RSD and so Ashton and her parents went to many different doctors in many different places until they found a doctor who helped  her pain go away little by little.

For two years Ashton and her family traveled 2 hours away once a week, sometimes even twice a week to get nerve blocks. When Ashton gets a nerve block she is put under anesthesia. The doctor injects medicine into the sympathetic nerves through her back that overloading the pain nerves allowing them to relax.. This lasts a little longer each time it is done.For two years Ashton and her family traveled 2 hours away once a week, sometimes even twice a week to get nerve blocks. When Ashton gets a nerve block she is put under anesthesia. The doctor injects medicine into the sympathetic nerves through her back that overloading the pain nerves allowing them to relax.. This lasts a little longer each time it is done.

Through the years ashton dealt with her depression secretly, she self harmed to cope with her feelings, nobody knew until she was 14. She started getting help. Ashton spent a total of 2 ½ weeks in two different mental hospitals. When she was released from each of those she continued to get better with the help of a therapist but most importantly her family. Ashton is now doing very well and she is in the process of starting a “Hope Squad”. The Hope Squad is a very special group of student who help others who are dealing with depression, thoughts of suicide and any other problems that their peers are having. The members of the Hope Squad are they eyes and ears of the school. They are students who are trained to provide friendship, a listening ear, compassion and advice to those in need. They are trained to approach their peers in different situations and reach out to adult without losing the trust of their peers. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in youth ages 10-17. 4,600 youth are lost to suicide each year and there are even more attempts. Ashton wants to start and run a Hope Squad in her school and help others that feel the way that she has felt in the past.

To find out more about Beauty Revived campaigns or to order a copy of the 50 beautiful children magazine follow this link:Beauty Revived

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